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      Nanyang Technologitical University
      M.S., Master of Computer Contorl & Automation
      Nanyang Technologitical University (Singapore)
      August, 2024 -- Sep, 2026 (expected)
      Henan University
      B.S., Department of Information Technology
      Melbourne (Australia)
      Sep, 2020 -- Jun, 2024
     Victoria University  
     B.S., Department of Information Technology  
     Melbourne (Australia)  
     Sep, 2020 -- Jun, 2024  

All News

  • 2024.4 I received my acceptance letter and want to become a PhD to continue the research I am interested in.
  • 2024.2 I accepted an offer to work as an intern at Jude Medical in Shenzhen (Top 10 Healthcare Innovative Payment Companies in China 2021).
  • 2024.2 I accepted an offer to work as an intern at Jude Medical in Shenzhen (Top 10 Healthcare Innovative Payment Companies in China 2021).